Take Action NOW For Stand-Your-Ground!

The fight for Stand-Your-Ground legislation is white hot in St Paul!

Please click on this link or the image below to watch an urgent update from our Director.

As you saw in the video above, after your relentless calls and emails to the members of the Rules Committee, it seems crystal clear that if Stand-Your-Ground (HF238) comes before the Rules Committee for a vote, we have enough support to pass it out and on to the House floor.

More than that, the bill sponsor for Stand-Your-Ground is telling us that, thanks to the avalanche of support from gun owners like you, we have the votes to pass HF238 if it makes it to the House floor.

So the only thing stopping Stand-Your-Ground legislation from sailing clear through to the Senate is Rules Committee Chairwoman and House Majority Leader Joyce Peppin who has so far refused to bring HF238 up for a vote in her committee.

That’s why I need you to call and email her RIGHT NOW and tell her to let the Rules Committee vote on Stand-Your-Ground (HF238) IMMEDIATELY!


Chairwoman Joyce Peppin
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 651-296-5068

When you’re done, forward this article to all of your pro-gun friends and ask them to contact Representative Peppin as well.

We still have time to make this happen!

So pour on the calls and emails and send this email to your friends and family right away!

— Ben