VIDEO: MGR Unveils Ad Exposing Angie Craig!

Congresswoman Angie Craig has been a part of Nancy Pelosi’s war against gun owners since the day she was sworn into office in 2019.

From cosponsoring H.R. 8, a bill to force you to register your firearms with the government, to voting for H.R. 6395, a bill that attacks veterans with unconstitutional Red Flag Gun Confiscations – Angie Craig is a radical enemy to gun owners in Minnesota!

But as she is one of the most vulnerable gun-grabbers facing reelection this year, Craig is desperately trying to run from her record.

That’s why Minnesota Gun Rights has released this ad, to make sure that every gun owner in Craigs’s district knows the truth about her war against gun owners.

There are tens of thousands of gun owners in this Congressional District, and Minnesota Gun Rights is working overtime to make sure that every single one of them gets the facts.

We hope to do this through a combination of digital ads, radio ads, and direct mail — but we’re going to need your help to make this happen.

So please, after you’ve watched this ad, consider a major donation of $250, $500 or even $1,000, which will ensure that tens of thousands of gun owners will see and hear this ad!

I know that in the wake of the devastating impact of the Covid-19 situation and Governor Walz’s disastrous response to it, times are tight for many Minnesotans.

The good news is that thanks to a smart online strategy, a donation of $100, $75, $50 or even just $25 can still go a long way in helping us expose Angie Craig’s war against gun owners!

Gun owners have been attacked for a long time in Minnesota because we didn’t stand together and fight back, reminding Walz’s radicals that there is a price to be paid for voting against our freedoms.

But those days are long over! We’re fighting back, taking the fight to the gun-grabbers, and we need your help to make this go big!

Now is the time to fight back — please make a generous donation today!

For Minnesota,

Benjamin Dorr
Executive Director
Minnesota Gun Rights


P.S. Minnesota Gun Rights is out with its first ad of the 2020 cycle, making sure every gun owner in Congressional District 2 knows that Congresswoman Angie Craig is part of  Pelosi’s war against gun owners!

Watch the ad here 

The ad is cut, but now I need your help to make sure that hundreds of thousands of gun owners can get the facts!

So please make a donation, from $5 to $5,000, to help us get this ad in front of as many gun owners as possible