VICTORY Is Within Our Grasp! HELP!

We are moments away from TOTAL VICTORY or CRUSHING DEFEAT and I need your immediate help to win.

So far, because of YOU, Minnesota Gun Rights has successfully STOPPED the ‘Nuclear Gun Control bill’ AND the ‘AR-15 Ban’ but we’re not done!

Here in the waning days of the 2024 legislative session the Minnesota House passed H.F. 4300, the ‘Mandatory Firearms Storage’ bill, and it could be headed for a SHOWDOWN in the Senate ANY DAY!

The reason I say “showdown” and not a simple “yes vote” is because Minnesota Gun Rights’ PRESSURE program is working!

All session long, MGR has been spending huge money hammering on the weakest members of the DFL-controlled Senate (who only have a 1-vote majority!), pressuring them to vote NO on Mandatory Gun Storage.

If there was more time, I’d love to show you some of the digital ads we have running in these districts, but instead, I’ll just show you the results.

In the image below is a recent Tweet from Democrat Senator Grant Hauschild who has gotten hundreds and even thousands of calls and emails from MGR members in Senate District 3!

Because of YOUR pressure, Senator Hauschild is buckling and promising to VOTE NO on the gun lock-up bill, defying his party because of his fear of gun voters.

That means that unless the DFL can get one of the Republicans in the Senate to break rank and vote with them, you and I will have STOPPED this bill too.

And that’s why we need your help NOW!

>>> Make Your Emergency Donation Here! <<<

Already the gun control organizations in St Paul, funded by Michael Bloomberg, are viciously attacking Senator Hauschild, DEMANDING he change his mind and vote “the right way” in support of H.F. 4300 and get it signed into law.

That’s because under H.F. 4300, it would be a CRIME to keep a pistol in your nightstand.

Under H.F. 4300, EVERY firearm in your house would have to be locked in a government-approved safe at all times.

Failure to comply will result in CRIMINAL CHARGES.

Worse, gun-grabbing Senator Heather Gustafson said on camera that weak, sold-out gun group ‘Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus’ has been helping her write “80% of the amendments” to her “Safe Storage” gun control bill!

If that’s true, if other gun groups are compromising and doing deals with the Democrats, while Minnesota Gun Rights is fighting to STOP those same bills, then ANYTHING can happen in these final days!

That’s why I’m asking you very directly to make an emergency financial contribution right now — whether that’s $500, $250, $100 or even $50, $25 or $10 – to help us slam the breaks on this bill and buy the time needed for session to adjourn.

Frankly, I don’t know what you can afford, so all I ask is that you be as generous as you can.

The truth is, we don’t need the government telling us where to set or store our firearms. We don’t need them forcing us to buy new safes. We don’t need them barging into our houses to ensure compliance.

But without your IMMEDIATE action, I’m afraid this could soon be the reality in Minnesota — unless you and I turn up the heat FAST!

>>> Help Fund This Fight! <<<

With every member of the Minnesota State House up for reelection this year, many politicians in BOTH parties are nervous about losing their seats.

If we can prove to them that voting against our gun rights could cost them their political careers, we can win BIG in the Senate!

And we’re already pulling out all the stops to do it. That means mail, email, social media, Internet ads and more!

All of this is EXTREMELY expensive, and it all has to be done quickly. That’s why I’m counting on your most generous contribution of $250, $100, $50 or at least $25 TODAY.

Please act at once!

For Minnesota,

Ben Dorr
Executive Director
Minnesota Gun Rights

P.S. With the House recently passing the MANDATED FIREARMS STORAGE bill, HF. 4300, and pressure mounting for a full showdown on the State Senate floor, there’s no time to waste.

Minnesota Gun Rights is running a MASSIVE, end-of-session fight to shut this bill down and run the clock out before a vote can take place! We’ve stopped the other bills so far!

So please consider making a generous financial contribution right now — whether that’s $500, $250, $100 or even $50, $25 or $10 – to help us do battle on your behalf.