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Don’t Let Democrats DESTROY the Supreme Court!

Joe Biden’s corrupt administration just announced a SCOTUS “Court Reform” package that has absolutely nothing to do with court reform.

What it DOES do is gives the Marxists the ability to REMOVE conservative justices like Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, and then paves the way for them to pack the Supreme Court with as many Radical Left judges as they deem necessary.

The Democrats want total control over America’s court system so that their activist judges can backstop the Left as they work to implement their Marxist takeover of America!

All it takes to pass this legislation and DESTROY SCOTUS is a a simple majority vote in the United States Congress – we need to hold the line!

So please sign your OFFICIAL PETITION opposing Joe Biden’s effort to hijack the Supreme Court right away, so that you Congressman (and Senators Klobuchar and Smith) know that you want them to fight against it with everything they’ve got.

Yes, we are in a ‘blue’ state. But our Republican delegation may make or break this legislation!

And when you’re done, please consider becoming a member of Minnesota Gun Rights — the most effective political fighting force in Minnesota! Go to: