While we’re working around the clock to keep you up to speed on the NRA-backed gun control bill that is advancing in the Senate, we wanted to make sure you saw the good news in D.C., too! Earlier today, the Supreme Court of the United States issued a landmark ruling...
Things are moving very fast in D.C. In the last eighteen hours, our office has been slammed with hundreds of calls, emails, and Facebook messages from gun owners wanting details on the gun control bill that was filed last night. Just as importantly, many of you are...
While we’re working around the clock to stop the massive gun control push in D.C. right now, there’s another threat that you can’t forget about. Chuck Schumer announced that he’s going to try to ram Steve Dettelbach’s nomination to run the gun-grabbing ATF through the...
These are the 10 TRAITOR Republican Senators announced as having cut a deal with gun-grabbing Democrat Senator Chris Murphy (CT) on GUN CONTROL! The main focus of this “framework” is billions of taxpayer dollars being sent to the states to pass and...
Less than a week ago we warned you that if the Democrats smelled blood in the water on gun control, they would press the advantage and go for everything. Democrats in D.C. know that if they focus exclusively on passing the Senate gun control bill, Nancy Pelosi’s H.R....