I know we’ve been sending out a lot of alerts lately, but things are happening very fast in D.C., and I’m counting on you to help us hold the line. While Congressional Democrats are using the Buffalo, NY and Uvalde, TX shootings to advance ‘Red Flag Gun Seizures’ in...
I hope you’re gearing up for a fight, because it’s coming. For close to a year, gun owners have been able to watch the radical left bluster about gun control, knowing that Biden lacked the votes to pass anything in the Senate. But in the wake of yesterday’s Texas...
We all knew this was coming. Before the blood was even dry in Buffalo, the White House and Congressional Democrats were already plotting on how they could use this to advance their gun control agenda. Joe Biden’s handlers are getting desperate. Scared they’ll lose...
Having led the fight for gun rights here in St. Paul for almost a decade, MGR is your go-to source for information on the Second Amendment here in Minnesota. And that’s never going to change. But for years, gun owners have asked me what organization they should be...
We have an all-out emergency on our hands, and I need your help IMMEDIATELY if we’re to be successful at saving our Second Amendment! Just recently I explained how Senator John Marty (D-SD66) and State Representative Alice Hausman (D-HD66A) had teamed up to introduce...