“The Supreme Court: A Tool of Tyrants!”

“The Supreme Court: A Tool of Tyrants!”

For decades, the gun-control crowd has tried to brow-beat gun owners into submission when federal courts ruled against our right to keep and bear arms. In specific situations, these courts have upheld bans on open carry, bans on 30-round magazines, mandated storage...
Biden Forms Commission to Pack the Supreme Court!

Biden Forms Commission to Pack the Supreme Court!

The radical left has ALWAYS wanted to ‘pack’ the Supreme Court. But when President Trump added three justices to the court during his term, giving America a 6-3 conservative leaning majority, this went from an idea to a top priority! Court-packing is simple: with a...
Breaking: Law Enforcement Groups Endorsing Dettelbach!

Breaking: Law Enforcement Groups Endorsing Dettelbach!

Joe Biden is desperately trying to get Steve Dettelbach confirmed as the permanent director of the ATF. After gun owners humiliated Biden when he tried to install David Chipman in this position last year, Biden’s handlers are working overtime to make sure that does...
Biden’s ‘Final Order’ on Upper Receivers Finalized!

Biden’s ‘Final Order’ on Upper Receivers Finalized!

Tuesday, Joe Biden’s Executive Order requiring serial numbers on upper receivers, redefining what a firearm is, and redefining what a gunsmith is, was published on the Federal Registry. This was the ‘Final Order’ and it takes effect on August 24. As you may remember,...
Don’t Let Joe Biden Pack the Supreme Court!

Don’t Let Joe Biden Pack the Supreme Court!

Like many gun owners across the country, I’ve always kept a wary eye on the Supreme Court. It’s true that for most of my life, the court was a 5-4 body that usually issued opinions (like Heller v. DC and McDonald v Chicago) that were consistent with our Second...