There was a time when the enemies to our freedom were obvious and able to be seen from a mile away. And we still have those. But over the last decade — and especially during the insanity of 2020 and 2021 — bureaucratic agencies took on the role of...
Last night, the anti-freedom RINO establishment cried. A lot. That’s because gun voters flooded the polls yesterday and scored BIG WINS in our fight for freedom here at Minnesota Gun Rights! From the House to the Senate primary elections, gun owners triggered a...
After passing a MASSIVE expansion of government through the U.S. Senate just days ago, Joe Biden and Congressional Democrats are fired up like never before. Next up on their wish list: pushing H.R. 1808, Nancy Pelosi’s recently passed ‘Assault Weapons Ban,’...
2022 MGR Legislative Primary Voter Guide The candidates gun owners pick in the August 9th legislative primary election – the majority of which will go on to victory in the November elections and represent us in St Paul – mean more today than it ever has in our...
While Minnesota Gun Rights is neck deep in our primary program, exposing anti-gun RINOs in the Minnesota legislature, we have another major problem that needs your attention! 2 MASSIVE gun control bills have passed through the House of Representatives in as many...