Man shoots 2 armed men who tried to rob him at ATM, police say

Man shoots 2 armed men who tried to rob him at ATM, police say

Pittsburgh – When a 42-year-old man went to get money from an ATM in a late night withdrawal, he brought his concealed pistol along for the trip.During his transaction, this gun owner was accosted by two armed thugs who attempted a robbery.According to the police, the...
Happy Thanksgiving from Minnesota Gun Rights!

Happy Thanksgiving from Minnesota Gun Rights!

As gun owners here in Minnesota know, we have a lot to be thankful for as we wrap up 2016 and look ahead to what 2017 holds for us. It’s been a long but incredibly productive year! Some of the highlights of the past year include: >>> Defeating the...
Bloomington City Council votes 6-1 to Pass Gun Store Ban!

Bloomington City Council votes 6-1 to Pass Gun Store Ban!

You win some and you lose some. Two weeks ago, gun owners were kicking in the teeth of some of Minnesota’s most notorious anti-gunners on election night. But moments ago, the city of Bloomington passed an ordinance that would BAN gun stores in many locations....
Help! Anti-gun City Council Votes TONIGHT

Help! Anti-gun City Council Votes TONIGHT

I wanted to make sure you saw the email Ben sent out last Wednesday. TONIGHT at 7:00PM the Bloomington, MN city council will vote on an ordinance to BAN all firearm and sporting goods stores from nearly the entire city of Bloomington! Please read the email below and...
Man, 82, shoots and kills home intruder at 1:30am

Man, 82, shoots and kills home intruder at 1:30am

UNIONTOWN, Pa. —An 82-year old man used a gun that’s been on his nightstand for 30 years to shoot a burglar in Uniontown early Friday morning.Uniontown police say the home invasion happened at 1:30 a.m., in the 100 block of Lenox Street.Police will not disclose the...