A temporary victory for gun owners in Savage!

A temporary victory for gun owners in Savage!

As you know, last night we were on hand at the Savage, MN, city Planning Commission meeting where they were going to make a motion whether or not to recommend that the city Council approve an anti-gun city ordinance.Local anti-gun activists, furious about a new...
Minnesota: Thank These Pro-Gun Candidates!

Minnesota: Thank These Pro-Gun Candidates!

As this election season is officially underway, Minnesota Gun Rights is hammering on gun-grabbing politicians as hard as we possibly can. As they seek to run from their record of killing pro-gun bills, sponsoring gun-control, voting for extreme gun-control measures...
Anti-Gun DANGEROUS ID Bill About to Get a Vote!

Anti-Gun DANGEROUS ID Bill About to Get a Vote!

Computer chips. Fingerprint scans. Biometric scanners. I don’t know about you, but when I hear anti-gun legislators in St Paul talking about centralizing all of our personal information in a new-fashioned Dangerous ID licensing scheme, I get greatly concerned. That’s...
Come See Us at the Mankato Gun Show!

Come See Us at the Mankato Gun Show!

Minnesota Gun Rights is cranking up the heat in St Paul! Militant gun-control politicians are desperate for revenge after mobilized gun owners forced them to pass the Omnibus gun bill last year. It comes as no surprise that big money gun-grabbers like Gabby Giffords...