Gun owners like you and I have been under BLISTERING attack ever since the Florida shooting on Valentine’s day. Everyone from Bloomberg’s “Moms Demand Action” and “Protect Minnesota” to politicians in both parties and ALL of their...
Our “pro-gun” majority in the senate has been completely destroyed. Monday morning, Republican Senators Scott Jensen and Paul Anderson stood side by side with anti-gun militant Senator Ron Latz and co-sponsored SF3279, BILLIONAIRE Bloomberg’s Universal Gun...
Our “pro-gun” majority in the senate has been completely destroyed. Monday morning, Republican Senators Scott Jensen and Paul Anderson stood side by side with anti-gun militant Senator Ron Latz and co-sponsored SF3279, BILLIONAIRE Bloomberg’s Universal Gun...
Please watch this short video that our Director Chris Dorr has prepared for you. When you’re done, please consider joining Minnesota Gun Rights as a member! If you already are, please consider an extra contribution to help fund these critical programs. This is how we...
If Dianne Feinstein gets her way, every single “semiauto” handgun, rifle, and shotgun in the country will be BANNED! Just last week, H.R. 5087 was introduced in the United States Congress. H.R. 5087 mimics S. 2095, the Feinstein Gun Ban, otherwise known as...
We can’t take our feet off their necks. Yesterday the House Public Safety Committee chairman Brian Johnson held hearings on two MAJOR gun control bills – HF1669 and HF1605. Under HF 1669 we’d have: *** Universal Gun Registration: If you wanted to give your spouse a...