Stand and FIGHT BACK with Minnesota Gun Rights!

Stand and FIGHT BACK with Minnesota Gun Rights!

Even as the 500+ victims from the October 1, 2017 shooting struggled for life in Las Vegas hospitals, gun-grabbers across America were already rushing to capitalize. From social media, to cable TV news and late-night comedy shows, the message was the same all over the...
Tell Congressman Erik Paulsen NO GUN CONTROL!

Tell Congressman Erik Paulsen NO GUN CONTROL!

Ever since the Las Vegas shooting, anti-gunners have been working to cram their agenda down the throats of law-abiding gun owners all across the country. Worse, weak kneed pro-gunners are starting to crumble, seeking to do the will of mass hysteria media and radical...
Don’t Give An Inch!

Don’t Give An Inch!

It’s been over a week since a madman launched a deadly attack in Las Vegas that killed and wounded hundreds of people. The pictures and videos that have emerged from that night are difficult to watch and even more difficult to understand –- and compounded by the fact...
Anti-Gun Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing in St Paul!

Anti-Gun Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing in St Paul!

I have some very troubling news to share with you so please read this email in its entirety and take action to defend the Second Amendment in Minnesota. As you know, we spent the entirety of the 2017 session working to get Stand-Your-Ground law and Constitutional...
The noise you heard on Monday

The noise you heard on Monday

That noise you heard was anti-gun Minnesota legislators Ron Latz, Erin Murphy and Paul Thissen DEMANDING new gun control for Minnesota. Latz: “I will continue to push for gun safety reforms at the State Capitol.” Murphy: “They pour millions into...