I have another URGENT ALERT for gun owners in Minnesota! Please read the email below for all the details and TAKE ACTION to save our Second Amendment. I told you before about radical leftist Representative Cedrick Frazier introducing ‘Red Flag Gun Seizures Orders’ in...
This is an absolute emergency. Senator John Marty (DFL-SD40) just introduced a gun control bill in the Minnesota Senate that will completely unmake our Second Amendment forever. Gun owners are calling S.F. 1723 the “Nuclear Gun Control Bill” and the...
There’s a lot of noise and chaos in St Paul right now. There always is at this time of year and it’s worse under DFL control. The gun-grabbers are pushing gun control bills, hearings are happening regularly, and it’s easy to sit back and wonder...
We knew this day would arrive; it was only a matter of “when.” Radical, anti-gun Bloomberg puppet, Rep. Dave Pinto, just introduced H.F. 14, a socialist takeover bill known as Universal Background Checks. <<< OPPOSE H.F. 141! >>>...
I have urgent news! As you know, Rep. Dave Pinto introduced H.F. 14, Statewide Gun Registration, in the Minnesota House and that bill is working its way through the process. To watch our testimony against this bill, CLICK HERE or on the image below! Now, Senator Ron...
I hate writing emails like this but we’re going to LOSE this battle against the DFL gun control unless we talk about this. Tomorrow morning the first hearing on GUN CONTROL is taking place in the House Public Safety and Finance Policy committee and we have a...