With enough Republicans now backing Senator Ron Latz’s (D-St. Louis Park) so-called “Universal Background Check” (STATEWIDE GUN REGISTRATION) Bill that it can pass at any moment — and Governor Mark Dayton promising to sign it — the State House may be our last real chance to stop this horrific scheme.
And with time running out on the 2018 Session of the Minnesota Legislature, there’s no time to waste.
Please sign the petition below to your State Representative IMMEDIATELY!
And if you can, any emergency financial support you can give right now — whether that’s $250, $100, $50 or even $25 or $10 — would be greatly appreciated.
Site, the House vote is likely to come down to just a handful of State Representatives . . .
And you and I both know they’re getting an earful from Michael Bloomberg’s slick lobbyists even as I write you.
Last week hundreds of anti-gunners swarmed the capitol for their Gun-Control Lobby day to bully legislators into passing their anti-gun schemes.
(If you didn’t see our footage from the gun-control rally, CLICK HERE!)
But while they mouth carefully crafted talking points about “public safety,” the truth about Senator Ron Latz’s so-called “Universal Background Check” Bill is far different.
As I’ve told you time and again, “Universal Background Checks” is nothing more than the Gun Control Lobby’s code words for STATEWIDE GUN REGISTRATION.
“Universal Background Checks” require a government-approved check for every firearm transfer.
That means letting a buddy borrow your old pump shotgun for a day of hunting could be ILLEGAL without first going through a “check.” So would handing down a hunting rifle that’s been a family heirloom for generations. Widows could be turned into instant FELONS upon their husband’s death.
But as bad as all that is, it might not even be the worst of it.
You see, the ONLY way such a scheme could be enforced is if the state government keeps records of every gun and gun owner in the state. That’s REGISTRATION, plain and simple.
And as you and I both know, registration is just the first step toward outright CONFISCATION.
That’s the sinister motivation behind this scheme. Gun-grabbers know it won’t do anything to stop crime.
Bloodthirsty thugs who don’t think twice about committing murder don’t think twice about stealing firearms either.
And just how effective has government been at keeping illegal drugs out of our neighborhoods? How effective have they been keeping out illegal immigrants?
Do you think for a second they’ll do any better keeping illegal guns out of the hands of the bad guys?
Neither do I.
All this scheme will do is create more hurdles for law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms — the one thing that can actually stop mass shootings like the one we recently saw in Florida.
Then, when all the gun-grabbers’ schemes — from “Gun Free Zone” stickers to “Universal Background Checks” — fail to stop the next killer, you and I both know what the Gun Control Lobby’s next step will be.
They’ll say the only option is to start seizing guns from law-abiding citizens!
But without your IMMEDIATE action, I’m afraid this could soon be the reality in Minnesota — unless you and I turn up the heat FAST!
With every member of the Minnesota State House up for reelection this year, many politicians in BOTH parties are nervous about losing their seats.
If we can prove to them that voting against our gun rights could cost them their political careers, we can win!
And we’re already pulling out all the stops to do it. That means mail, email, social media, Internet ads and even radio spots if I can afford to run them.
None of this is cheap. And it’s all being done quickly and the cost is adding up fast so I need your help!
I don’t know what fits your budget at this time.
Perhaps a generous gift of $250 or $500 is within your means. Or maybe $50 or $25 is more suitable at this time.
All I ask is that you be as generous as you can to help us mobilize more and more gun owners to pour pressure on in St Paul to stop this relentless attack on our Right to Keep and Bear Arms!
That’s why I’m counting on you to sign and submit your petition and agree to your most generous contribution of $250, $100, $50 or at least $25 or $10 TODAY.
Please act at once!
For Freedom,
Ben Dorr
Political Director
Minnesota Gun Rights
P.S. With Senate passage likely and pressure mounting for a full showdown on the State House floor over Senator Ron Latz’s so-called “Universal Background Check” Bill, there’s no time to waste.
Please sign our petition to your State Representative IMMEDIATELY!
And if you can, any emergency financial support you can give right now — whether that’s $250, $100, $50 or even $25 or $10 — would be greatly appreciated.
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