I know it seems like school just started last week and the heat just dropped out of the 90’s yesterday, but we’re already a week into October!
That means that the election season is upon us. In fact, early voting is already underway!
You see, in Minnesota, a record-breaking number of all votes cast in the general election are expected to be done via early voting.
This year, some estimates are that that number may top 50%!
What that means for you and me is that gun owners — tens of thousands of them — are already making choices on who to support in the legislature!
It’s essential that they have the facts about how their legislators have voted in office.
Minnesota Gun Rights has been preparing for this for a while now, and I want to let you in on the tools that we’re using this fall to educate gun owners and to ask you for your help!
This program has been wildly successful, as former Senators like Rod Skoe, Lyle Koenen and many others can attest to.
Educated gun owners have removed dozens of incumbents and would-be lawmakers from office for backing gun control or refusing to support Stand-Your-Ground law in previous elections.
But that was then.
The fight for gun rights here in Minnesota and across the country all changed last February — when a madman shot and killed 17 people in a Parkland, FL school.
Within hours, weak legislative leadership KILLED Stand-Your-Ground legislation, fearing backlash from anti-gun groups.
Within days, dozens of Democrat AND Republican lawmakers were sponsoring over 30 gun-control bills including ‘Red Flags” gun seizures, “Universal Gun Registration”, AR15 bans and more.
And within weeks, nearly 18,000 Bloomberg-funded activists descended on the Capitol in St Paul in a massive rally calling for radical gun control.
Their agenda?
Banning and seizing your AR15’s and similar rifles, banning and seizing all magazines over 10 rounds capacity, passage of Bloomberg’s universal gun registry — and much more!
Of course the liberal media rags in St Paul like the Star Tribune, City Pages and many others began to beat the gun-control drum.
To make matters worse, Republican Speaker of the House Kurt Daudt was reported to be brokering a deal to pass major gun-control legislation as well!
But that’s no surprise as Speaker Daudt has kept his foot on the neck of Stand-Your-Ground law for years, killing it in 2016, 2017 and 2018.
In other words, in the space of one legislative session, the momentum completely shifted and now gun owners in Minnesota are in the fight of their lives – barely surviving the 2018 session with our gun rights in tact!
That’s why it is vital that gun owners hold the line now.
We simply must.
If gun owners remove more anti-gun incumbents from office this fall, it will be the wake up call the lawmakers in St Paul need to regain the momentum and advance Stand-Your-Ground law!
That’s why right now I want to pull back the curtain a little bit and show you what actual steps we hope to take to get the word out about these anti-gun incumbents.
1. Email
This is obvious perhaps, but Minnesota Gun Rights is working overtime to increase the size of our email list right now, especially in our targeted districts, to increase our reach when trying to contact gun owners.
While it may be free for you and I to email our friends, when you send out emails by the tens of thousands, the costs quickly mount.
2. Facebook
Minnesota Gun Right has the largest Facebook presence of any organization here in Minnesota – BY FAR.
But we can target our message into specific districts by zip code now, ensuring that your money is being focused right over the target, getting the word out to tens of thousands of Minnesotans!
While regular posts cost nothing, to make sure that our fact-filled videos and other posts are seen by a massive number of gun owners, we’ll need to sponsor them heavily.
While this is one of the cheapest ways to educate gun owners, the costs will add up quickly.
3. Slicks/Postcards
If you’ve never had a ‘slick’ from Minnesota Gun Rights land in your mailbox you may not know how hard hitting these are, but I can tell you anti-gunners SHRIEK every time we roll 5,000-10,000 of these fact filled slicks into their districts.
I can’t show you any of the slicks that we’re deploying this year since we can’t telegraph what we’re doing to the anti-gunners who are reading these emails.
But I can assure you they will be some of the hardest hitting flyers you see this election season.
4. Direct mail
If you’re a member of Minnesota Gun Rights you know that we regularly provide updates to our members and supporters so that you know exactly what’s going on in the fight to defend your gun rights here in Minnesota.
We intend to massively expand the size of our mail operation over the next 7 weeks, providing page after page of details about what specific anti-gun legislators have done to attack the 2nd Amendment.
While it’s more expensive than email or Facebook, nothing does more to get detailed information in front of gun owners than direct mail!
5. Radio ads
While these are more expensive, radio ads are perhaps the best way to reach out to gun owners in the critical end-phase of an election cycle.
Of course, if we filled our ads with mushy sound bites like other groups do in Minnesota, they’d be a complete waste of money.
But our ads are anything but mushy!
If you’ve never heard the kind of ads we’ve run during election season, check out this one from 2016!
Getting these ads up in targeted districts will be a major component of our election program.
6. TV ads
The simple fact is that TV ads work, that’s why all the national candidates use them.
Sure, they are more expensive than the other tools that we’re using, but that’s because you can reach out to a massive number of gun owners with one 30-second spot.
Anti-gunners, even here in state races, use TV ads relentlessly and we can’t let their message go unchallenged!
These are some of the tools that we are going to be employing as we work to educate gun owners in targeted districts about how anti-gun incumbents have voted over the past few years!
All of these tools cost money, and all of them are completely necessary.
If you and I don’t expose these anti-gun candidates now, then we’re giving a green light to these gun-grabbers to only increase their attacks on our gun rights in 2019.
Weak-kneed lawmakers, scared of the liberal news in the weeks following the Parkland, FL, shooting have ceded the field — and Bloomberg-backed activists know it.
That’s why you have candidates here in Minnesota calling for a ban on the AR-15, a ban on magazines over 10 rounds capacity, universal firearms registries and much more.
If we don’t push back right now, and push back hard, we are going to get steamrolled in 2019.
We have to act now.
In this email, we have shown you exactly what kind of tools we are going to use in this fight.
The only question now is, can you help us put this program into place, Site?
A $5,000 donation will enable me to deploy over 10,000 pieces of direct mail into the hands of gun owners — enough to cover an entire House District — giving them page after page of all the details that their incumbent legislator is trying to hide from them!
A $2,500 donation will allow me to deploy saturation levels of ‘slicks’ into a targeted district.
I can promise you that wherever you live in Minnesota, you’ll be able to hear the shrieking from the anti-gun crowd when these hit the mailboxes.
For $1,000 I can deploy over two dozen radio spots in one of our targeted races.
I gave you a sample to listen to above. You know how devastating these will be.
How much would you enjoy knowing that YOU were the one that made that happen?
I know I’m asking for a lot.
I wouldn’t be asking for it if I didn’t need it.
Some of you have the ability to underwrite a sizeable portion of our program using one of the options above – in fact some of you already have.
For others I know that a donation of $250, $100 or even just $50 is a major sacrifice.
For $100 I can sponsor a fact-laden video on Facebook, targeted right down to a city street, that will reach out to somewhere between 10,000 to 20,000 people!
Think of the reach you can have, for just $100!
Whatever you can do – now is the time!
Thank you, in advance, for standing with us in the fight to defend the 2nd Amendment here in Minnesota!
For Freedom,
Ben Dorr
Political Director
P.S. With the cries for gun control getting louder by the day in St Paul following a series of high profile shootings, it’s vital that gun owners regain momentum!
That’s why I wanted you to see the program that Minnesota Gun Rights plans to roll out in targeted districts across the state — to expose anti-gun lawmakers for their attacks on our gun rights.
If we don’t push back hard, right now, we are likely going to have a disaster on our hands in 2019 and beyond.
Our program is layered and combines everything from mail to TV ads, slicks to sponsored Facebook ads — and it hits hard — just ask former Senators Rod Skoe and Lyle Koenen!
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