The attacks keep coming.
Not just from Senator Ron Latz. No, not even from Dave Pinto or Linda Slocum, the author of HF 3022, the gun-control MEGA Bill!
Gun owners are being attacked by “pro-gun” Republicans, hell bent to make a deal in the misguided hope that it saves their political hides in the upcoming elections!
Gun owners well remember Lyin’ Scott Jensen (R-Chaska) who promised to OPPOSE any and all gun control when he was running for office in 2016 but then quickly sided with Michael Bloomberg and Ron Latz by sponsoring Universal Gun Registration this year.
Now, Representatives Anderson (HD44A) and Loon (HD48B) have joined the large list of “Benedict Arnolds” in St Paul by stabbing gun owners in the back and sponsoring last-minute gun control hoping that Bloomberg’s anti-gun organizations will sing their praises at election time.
HF4473, if enacted, would “encourage” gun owners to go through a government “background check” whenever they give a firearm to a family member or sell one to a friend.
In other words, through fear mongering tactics gun owners would be browbeaten into making sure the government can track, trace and register more and more firearms in the state of Minnesota.
This is nothing more than a watered down version of Michael Bloomberg’s Universal Gun Registration designed to be more palatable as they shove it down the throats of Minnesota gun owners to curry political favor with liberal media like the Star Tribune.
But they aren’t the only ones.
We’ve been fighting tooth and nail all session long to stop this radical gun control agenda as more and more “pro-gun” legislators betray gun owners and side with the radical Left.
On the list of outspoken Minnesota House and Senate Republikans who are pushing gun control is:
>>> Senator Scott Jensen – Supports Universal Gun Registration..
>>> Senator Paul Anderson – Supports Universal Gun Registration.
>>> Rep. Jim Knoblach – Supports a bumpstock ban.
>>> Rep. Keith Franke – Supports a bumpstock ban and criminal charges if you happen to misplace a firearm and don’t report it.
>>> Rep. Jennifer Loon – Supports watered down gun registration and a bumpstock ban.
>>> Rep. Barb Haley – Supports a bumpstock ban.
>>> Rep. Sarah Anderson – Supports watered down gun registration.
>>> Rep. Sandy Layman – Supports a bumpstock ban.
>>> Rep. Mark Uglem – Supports a bumpstock ban.
>>> Rep. Dario Anselmo – Supports Universal Gun Registration, Red Flags Orders and virtually ALL gun control.
This is just a partial list of turncoat legislators who’ve decided they’d rather appease Bloomberg’s organizations than the gun owners who live and vote right here in Minnesota and who gave them their majorities in the first place. More are caving every day.
Every single legislator in the list above has either sponsored or co-sponsored the gun control schemes listed by their names — and more.
Every single legislator in the list above is a REPUBLICAN who claims to be “pro-gun” but instead of using the legislative majority that gun owners gave them to pass Stand-Your-Ground law and Constitutional Carry, they ATTACK gun owners at every turn and have only been stopped so far by an avalanche of pressure from grassroots gun owners like you!
I don’t know about you, but I’m sick and tired of our “pro-gun” majorities stabbing gun owners in the back and not only refusing to pass pro-gun bills, but instead pushing for major gun-control and hoping that gun owners simply line up and vote them back into office in the upcoming elections anyway.
It’s disgraceful.
And the ONLY reason major gun control has not passed so far this legislative session is because of you, believe me.
The ONLY reason Minnesota hasn’t had our Second Amendment rights run through a meat grinder like Florida and Vermont have have is NOT because of “staunch legislators” in St Paul fighting on behalf of gun owners, but rather the thousands and thousands of members and supporters of MGR who have been pouring on the pressure non-stop!
There’s even a phone script you can use to call your State Rep and Senator.
Make sure they get the message that gun owners are NOT willing to sell our freedoms or compromise our rights away to ANY legislator — no matter which party they represent.
Make sure they understand that gun owners will hold accountable any legislator who attacks our Second Amendment rights in the upcoming election season.
Site, we’ve got to keep the pressure white hot in the capitol every day until they adjourn on May 21st.
That’s the only way our gun rights will be protected.
Now is the most dangerous time for gun rights as desperate anti-gun legislators try to ram their agenda through in the final hours of the 2018 legislative session, so we can’t let off even a little bit.
So please send your pre-written message right away!
When you’re done, please consider a generous contribution to Minnesota Gun Rights to help us keep the pressure up in St Paul.
The 2018 elections are right around the corner and already MGR has its plate full preparing the programs necessary to hold these anti-gun legislators accountable, even as the establishment gun rights groups give out endorsements like Halloween candy.
Minnesota Gun Rights will never give a pass to anti-gun legislators – No matter which party they’re from.
Instead, we use your contributions to aggressively expose anti-gun legislators in their districts at election time using mail, email, sponsored online media, radio ads and our famous door-to-door lit dropping campaigns.
So whether you can give $5 or $500, please do what you can right away!
For Freedom,
Ben Dorr
Political Director
Minnesota Gun Rights
P.S. The list of turncoat “pro-gun” legislators continues to grow as even more politicians are lining up to win political favor with the Star Tribune and Bloomberg’s gun-control lobby.
For the current list, please read the email above and when you’re done, click the link to send our PRE-WRITTEN messages to your state Rep and Senator telling them NO GUN CONTROL DEALS, PERIOD!
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