Since the email we sent you early this morning, we’ve been getting contacted by pro-gun school board members all across the state.
Some are stating that if this anti-gun policy is against the district policy then it is the School Board who has the power to change this ruling and allow for pictures of firearms to be allowed in the yearbook.
So we’re shifting our targets to now include the School Board members and we need everyone to jump in on this fight to help out these families in the Big Lake community.
Please email the board members IMMEDIATELY and tell them to let these boys and girls be PROUD of their trap shooting achievements by adding their team photo to the yearbook.
Chairman Mark Hedstrom
Email: [email protected]
Amber Sixberry
Email: [email protected]
Tonya Reasoner
Email: [email protected]
Tim Hayes
Email: [email protected]
Dan Nygaard
Email: [email protected]
Tony Scales
Email: [email protected]
Don’t delay!
The School Board meeting is TONIGHT so they need to hear from you NOW!
Thank you for fighting for these kids!
— Ben
P.S. Feel free to copy and paste this pre-written email below.
Dear Board Member,
It has come to our attention that the Big Lake School Board is going to decide whether or not to allow the students of the Big Lake Trap Shooting Team to include their Trap Shooting Team Photo in the yearbook.
Teaching our kids the responsible use and handling of firearms is paramount for the next generation of Minnesotans.
Firearms, the outdoors, hunting, fishing and shooting are a part of the Minnesota Heritage that makes our state so unique, and why we’re so proud to be Minnesotans.
These kids are being taught life lessons today. The result of the meeting tonight will send a big message to these kids, and the message shouldn’t be that hard work and responsibility will be punished, bullied or discriminated against.
Please, as school board members, take control of this situation and give the order to school administration, the school superintendent and the school athletic director that the trap shooting team photo be included in the 2017 yearbook.
Respectfully, XXX

Dear Site, April 27, 2017
While we may be fighting tooth and nail to pass Stand-Your-Ground law in Minnesota, the Big Lake High School trap team also needs your help!
Trap shooting is the single fastest growing sport in Minnesota High Schools today and it’s no different in Big Lake.
But even though trap shooting is an officially sanctioned sport by the high school, Big Lake parents and kids are being told that the picture below of their High School Trap Team will NOT be allowed in the school’s yearbook – because they’re holding their shotguns!
Since then, we’ve been getting tons of calls and emails from parents and gun owners in the Big Lake community asking us to pass the message on to people like you and ask you for help.
We’re happy to oblige!
These kids who have been working so hard and represent the next generation in the front line of defense of our Second Amendment rights are depending on you.
So, if you have five minutes, please call and e-mail the officials listed below and tell them to honor our children and put that picture in the yearbook:
Athletic Director
Logan Midthun
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 763-262-5114
Bob Dockendorf
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 763-262-5110
Steve Westerberg
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 763-262-5218
Be sure to call IMMEDIATELY as the yearbook publication deadline is fast approaching.
Also, the school board is meeting tonight to discuss this topic so if you’re anywhere in the region, drop in and support these kids!
They’re meeting tonight from 6:30 – 8:30 in the Independence Community Room.
These boys and girls deserve to have their hard work and dedication to trap shooting praised and protected, not shamed and discarded!
So make those calls and send those emails right away and let’s see this through for those kids.
For Freedom,
Benjamin Dorr
Political Director
Minnesota Gun Right