Tell Walz to VETO Gun Control! The Minnesota Legislature has passed Red Flag Gun Confiscation and Universal Background Checks, in spite of massive opposition, and the bill is now headed to Governor Walz’ desk for a signature! Will he sign the bill? He’s...
OPPOSE THE GUN CONTROL OMNIBUS BILL! The House and Senate DFL have unveiled their gun control Omnibus bills and hearings are happening right now and we need your help to stop them! Top Agenda Items? Red Flag Gun Confiscations, Universal Background Checks (AKA...
STOP THE GUN CONTROL NUCLEAR BILL! Senator John Marty just introduced the WORST gun control bill in the history of Minnesota! If the DFL passes S.F. 1723, it would require: 1. Registration of ALL Firearms in Minnesota2. Only 1 Gun Purchase Every 30 Days3. Registration...
STOP THE GUN CONTROL NUCLEAR BILL! Senator John Marty just introduced the WORST gun control bill in the history of Minnesota! If the DFL passes S.F. 1723, it would require: 1. Registration of ALL Firearms in Minnesota2. Only 1 Gun Purchase Every 30 Days3. Registration...
Stop Walz’ Massive Gun Control Push In St. Paul! Governor Tim Walz and the DFL House and Senate majority announced a MASSIVE package of gun control proposals, and we need your help to stop them! Walz said he wants Red Flag Gun Confiscations, Universal Background...