SESSION BEGINS: Gun Control on the Docket!

The gavel fell on the start of the 2024 legislative session in St Paul and already the news headlines are talking about “GUN CONTROL” being on the docket. 

Bills were already being introduced and we’ll have more info on them in the days to come but one thing is sure, the Leftist tyrants and bone lazy RINOs are going to try to pass MORE gun control this year!

That’s why I’ve linked this petition that I hope you’ll read, sign and submit to me right away — reminding politicians in St Paul that gun owners are going to FIGHT LIKE HELL and that they’ll answer for their votes in the 2024 elections!


With the 2024 session kicking off TODAY, the time is NOW to fight back!

So when you’re done signing, please consider making an immediate donation to help us fight the new bills that are coming!

I don’t know what your budget is but maybe you’re able to do $100, $250 or even more?

I know that’s a lot but it’s go time. The fight is on and MGR is going to launch the largest defensive program in our 11 year history.

We need patriots to stand with us and we need them now. If that sounds like you, please donate today.

But if $100 or $250 isn’t possible, please know that a donation of $75, $50 or at least $25 is very much needed and will be put to this fight immediately

We’ll have more updates SOON!

For Freedom,

Ben Dorr
Executive Director
Minnesota Gun Rights