Stand-Your-Ground Passes Rules Committee!

Good news!

Only hours ago, with MGR staff looking on, the House Rules Committee voted to pass HF238 out of their committee and onto the General Register!

That means that Stand-Your-Ground is now ready to be put on the floor of the House for full debate and passage.

Make no mistake about it, the only reason this bill was ever brought forward in the Rules committee was because of YOU.

It was clear as I sat in Hearing Room 120 in the Capitol this afternoon that the majority party in that committee did NOT want to vote it through.

But your calls, emails and Facebook messages forced them to take action and pass HF238 and for that, THANK YOU!

But we can NOT let up now.

The fate of Stand-Your-Ground now rests entirely on Speaker Daudt and House Majority Leader Joyce Peppin.

They are the only ones who can move Stand-Your-Ground from the general register and put it on the “calendar for the day” to get a vote in the House.

That’s why it’s absolutely critical that you call, email and Facebook message both of them IMMEDIATELY and tell them to move HF238 off the general register and onto the House floor for a vote NOW!


Representative Daudt
Phone: 651-296-5399
Facebook: Go Here

Representative Peppin
Phone: 651-296-0640
Facebook: Go Here

It’s absolutely crucial that they hear from you right away.

We’re only 7 days away from the end of the session and we can’t run the risk of House leadership running out the clock and killing Stand-Your-Ground law!

After all, for 5 months we’ve been fighting tooth and nail for Constitutional Carry and Stand-Your-Ground legislation and they’ve done little more than stall or outright kill these pro-gun bills.

That’s why they need to hear from you right away.

These major pro-gun reforms are advancing in neighboring states all around us.

Just in the last few months North Dakota passed Constitutional Carry.

South Dakota passed Constitutional Carry through both Houses of their state legislature.

Gun owners in Wisconsin are pushing a similar Constitutional Carry bill as well.

And just last month our brothers and sisters in Iowa passed a major Stand-Your-Ground bill that was loaded with pro-gun provisions!

Now is Minnesota’s time.

So please contact Speaker Daudt and Majority Leader Peppin right away and tell them to move HF238 off the general register and onto the House floor for a full vote IMMEDIATELY!

Remind them that 2018 is an election year and their actions and inactions right now will be met with the appropriate votes when the time comes.

When you’re done, please consider an emergency contribution to help our efforts.

We’re down to the last week of session and MGR is pulling out all the stops to pass Stand-Your-Ground law.

We’re working around the clock putting pressure on targeted legislators with focused social media campaigns, mass email deploys, direct mail and door-to-door operations if we have the time and resources necessary to pull it all off.

As always, MGR was the only organization on the ground in the committee room leading the charge as the vote was cast today to pass Stand-Your-Ground law out of the Rules committee.

But we need all hands on deck and we need them now.

So if you can, please make a major contribution of $250, $100, $50 or $25 right away.

If that’s not possible at this time, then at least contact Speaker Daudt and Majority Leader Peppin right now and tell them to put Stand-Your-Ground on the “calendar for the day” so they can vote it out of the House.

Whatever you do, please act fast. Time is running out.

For Freedom,

Benjamin Dorr
Minnesota Gun Right

P.S. Thanks to all of the pressure you’ve helped pour into the capitol these last few weeks, Stand-Your-Ground (HF238) was voted out of the House Rules Committee and on to the General Register.

But we need to act fast!

The fate of Stand-Your-Ground rests in the hands of Speaker Kurt Daudt and Majority Leader Peppin as they are the only people who can move HF238 from the General Register to the “calendar for the day” for a full vote and passage out of the House!

So please contact Representative Daudt and Peppin RIGHT NOW using the contact info in the email above and tell them to put Stand-Your-Ground on the floor for a full vote!

When you’re done, please consider making a major donation of $250, $100, $50 or $25 to help us keep our programs running full tilt.

To stay up-to-the-minute on the fight for gun rights in Minnesota, please take a moment to go check it out on our Facebook page by clicking the image below!