They’re Trying to CRUSH Gun Owners!

The 2024 session of the Minnesota legislature is 2 weeks in St Paul and it’s an EMERGENCY, ALL HANDS ON DECK situation to save our Second Amendment!

Despite passing Universal Background Checks AND Red Flag Gun Confiscations in 2023,Speaker of the House Melissa Hortman and the entire Leftist trifecta in St. Paul are hell bent on banning our AR-15’s THIS session too! 

Of course, this legislation bans far more than just our AR-15s. It bans almost ONE HUNDRED different hunting rifles and shotguns and would leave Minnesotans effectively disarmed.

That’s what Democrat tyrants and their freedom hating allies in the legislature want: you and me disarmed.

That’s why I hope that you’ll read this emergency email and then immediately sign and submit your petition opposing this legislation so that we can stop this attack!

This isn’t a drill.

Rep Kelly Moller, DFL-Shoreview, who is chair of the House Public Safety Committee, told leftist trash site “Minnesota Deformer” the quote that you see in the image below and this bill has the full support of Governor Walz!

The fact is, this bill was only tabled last session because the Democrats weren’t sure they could get the votes.

But those days are over.

If we don’t fight back, and RIGHT NOW, this bill could be on the Governor’s desk and signed into law very quickly now that session has kicked off. We can’t let that happen!

The goal of this legislation is simple: evil tyrants like Tim Walz want to disarm their political opposition just like tyrants throughout history have done!

These people are pure Marxists who want absolute power; we experienced that first-hand in 2020. But these thugs can’t rule over an armed population. That’s why they MUST pass this bill.

And we’re being told that a NEW gun ban bill that could be introduced any day “isn’t a bad” as John Marty’s S.F. 1723 and would “only ban rifles!” Absolute insanity.

If this new “assault weapons” ban bill is passed, this legislation would effectively disarm gun owners in Minnesota by:

  • Sending you to prison for five years for the crime of purchasing an ‘assault weapon!’
    With over 25 million AR-15’s in circulation in the United States, they are the most popular rifle in the country, and have become a symbol of America’s defiance against tyranny.
  • Sending you to prison for giving your AR-15 or any other so-called ‘Assault Weapon’ to your kids or grandkids!
    When you die, your AR-15 dies with you as the only “legal” thing for your heirs to do with it is to relinquish it to government — disarming the next generation automatically.
  • Force gun manufacturers that operate here in Minnesota to close their doors, limit their business, or move out!
    Minnesota firearms manufacturers would have to agree to limit their sales to the government or move out of state if this bill passes.

As you can see, this legislation wouldn’t do anything to stop a violent criminal who would simply ignore the law before carrying out their acts of violence –- but it was never intended to stop crime.

This legislation was written to give the State of Minnesota another law that they can use to demonize, harass, and prosecute otherwise law-abiding gun owners!

And let’s be very clear about something: while the current generation of gun owners may think they are in the clear due to the ‘grandfather clause’ in this legislation, that’s a farce.

The second there’s a mass shooting in Minnesota, the politicians in St. Paul would move to remove the grandfather clause and expand their ‘assault weapons’ ban, effectively outlawing EVERY rifle in Minnesota!

We can’t let this happen; we need to stand and fight now.

>>> So fill out and submit your petition OPPOSING this BAN on AR-15s TODAY! <<<

Here at Minnesota Gun Rights, we are doing everything we can to mobilize an army of gun owners to flood the House and Senate with hundreds of thousands of signed petitions opposing this legislation in the first few weeks of session.

We are doing this using a combination of:

  1. A digital and internet ad blitz;
    which sounds the alarm about the ‘assault weapons ban’ legislation being pushed in St. Paul and allows gun owners to share these ads on their own social media platforms, ensuring massive exposure.
  2. A massive email and direct mail program;
    nothing penetrates Big Tech’s censorship more thoroughly these days than direct mail and email communication. In fact, these days, mail and email programs are more important than ever for gun owners!
  3. A statewide radio and TV ad campaign;
    if we can afford it, we are gearing up to expose these bills on some of the biggest networks in the state once votes are scheduled!

Every single part of this program is designed to do one thing: flood the legislature with calls and emails in opposition to these bills and remind the politicians in St. Paul that there will be hell to pay in Nov if they try to ban our rifles!

Your petition is an important part of ramping up the heat in the Capitol, but MGR also needs your financial support to run the programs that I outlined above.

You see, for this program to work it needs to be massive. In fact, our goal is to generate 100,000 signed petitions, just like the ones I’ve enclosed for you, before the DFL holds any floor action!

As you can imagine, such a massive defensive program won’t be cheap.

>>> So please sign your petition RIGHT AWAY! <<<

But when you do, I hope that you’ll include your most generous contribution to help us fight for you and stop these attacks in St. Paul!

I don’t know what you can afford, but this fight will decide the future of our state and our personal freedoms.

Maybe you can make a major investment of $250, $500 or more, as some have been able?

Some people have given up the fight for freedom here and spend their days talking about moving to another state. But for many Minnesotans that’s simply not an option.

And if Minnesota falls, the enemies to freedom will simply move on to the next state.

That’s why Minnesota Gun Rights will fight as long and hard as we can to protect our Second Amendment freedoms here at home!

So if $250 is not possible, I hope you’ll rush me a donation of $100, $50, or whatever you can afford.

Our forefathers codified our right to keep and bear arms in the Constitution.

Our grandfathers defended these rights against evil empires across the globe.

And our fathers defended these rights against politicians here at home.

Now it’s our turn. Our children and grandchildren are counting on us.

So please sign your petition right away and make a donation before this bill gets moving!

For Freedom,

Ben Dorr
Executive Director
Minnesota Gun Rights

P.S. Governor Walz has already signed Red Flag Gun Confiscations and Universal Background Checks into law last year.

But they’re not done.

Tim Walz, Speaker Hortman and the Leftist machine in St. Paul want a FULL BAN on AR-15s and similar rifles and now that the 2024 legislative session is underway, we could see these votes any day! 

If they are successful, gun owners would be facing five years in prison for buying an AR-15 or similar firearms!

Please take a moment to sign your petition opposing this tyrannical legislation!

And if you can, please include your most generous contribution of $250, $100 or at least $50 to help MGR fight for you in St. Paul!

Act now, our children and grandchildren are counting on us!