VICTORY for Gun Owners!


The legislature has gaveled out for 2024 and the members of Minnesota Gun Rights SLAMMED THE DOOR on nearly every piece of gun control this year!

For all the details, please watch our video from the capitol!

In the days ahead, we’re going to break down this session, what we did, where we did it, the ads we ran, the money we spent, etc so that you can see the full measure of what YOU accomplished as a member and supporter of Minnesota Gun Rights!

But for now, here’s a small list of the gun control proposals that we STOPPED in Minnesota this year:

  1. Mandated Firearms Storage law (the DFL favorite for this year!)
  2. The so-called Assault Weapons Ban
  3. Senator John Marty’s “Nuclear Gun Control Bill”
  4. The bill to remove preemption, allowing cities to create their own gun laws. 

That’s just a few of the new bills that were stopped this year!

The one bill that DID pass was H.F. 2609, the Binary Trigger Ban, which was crammed into an omnibus bill and slammed through the Senate with barely 10 minutes on the clock!

For us, ANY gun control is too much, but for the gun-grabbers in St Paul, it’s an embarrassment, which is why they barely touch the subject in their press conferences!

But let me tell you this

In states like Michigan, they passed Mandated Firearms Storage, but not in Minnesota. 

In states like Colorado, they’re moving to ban AR-15s, but not in Minnesota. 

In moderately Blue states across America, BIG gun control is passing, but here in Minnesota, even with a Democrat Trifecta, we SHUT this agenda down HARD this year and for that, you should be very proud!

I know I am. 

And if you’re not a member of MGR, could there be a better time than NOW to join??


Again, in the days ahead, we’re going to break this down for you and we’re also gearing up for the August primaries and November General Election!

So gear up, stay tuned and let’s take this massive victory into November!

For Minnesota,

Ben Dorr
Executive Director
Minnesota Gun Rights